PG's Bloc Party was a blast with some truly difficult lines. It didn't help that I had only been climbing about one day every couple weeks so I went into the advanced category instead of open. These are the results of the comp.
I ended up getting 5th in advanced but I hope to do much better in the next few comps. It was great seeing all the familiar faces of my friends at the comp that I haven't seen in a few months. Telling them all of my plans about moving to Bishop and they left me with promises of trips they would plan to come climb and visit me.
This is the end of the comp when all of the awards and raffles were being done. I even won with my single ticket that I got for entering into the comp. haha I got a new guidebook, chalk bag and some jtree salves. But I gave the chalk bag to Carissa since hers was stolen at the comp and I didn't need another one since I have like 5 from previous comps.

After the comp I headed to my brother Steve's house near Sacramento and headed to Tahoe early the next morning. Tahoe is great at this time of year, smelling the fresh pine in the air, feeling that coarse granite that will shred your skin in no time and enjoying conversations when the ganja and whiskey is flowing. Ahh good times. Although I didn't get to many high grade problems because my left ring fingers been bothering me I did still get some fun mid grades under my belt. I even managed to flash a few V4s and a V5.

Unfortunately I don't have many pictures of our climbing. I'll have to link the videos from YouTube once I've edited them. But the two area we went to in The secrets were the sticks and the mystics. Both areas had some good lines and all of the climbing was fun the best part of course was all the buds that I got to meet and climb with.
After our afternoon sesh in Tahoe on Sunday I headed to Bishop ready to embrace this new dirtbag life.
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