I started this trip on September 30th and have traveled roughly 2000 miles since it started 8 days ago talk about a long trip, haha and it's only about half way over!!
The first big stop for me was in Las Vegas Nevada where I spent some time climbing at Kraft Boulders in Red Rocks.
I had a great time and met a few people including Catrina Sisco a cute girl sponsored by Mad Rock. It was a bit warm so I didn't really finish any hard climbs but I did try some fun ones on the warm up boulder.
I had a great time and met a few people including Catrina Sisco a cute girl sponsored by Mad Rock. It was a bit warm so I didn't really finish any hard climbs but I did try some fun ones on the warm up boulder.
From there It was just a short hour or two drive to my friend Nicks house in Durango, CO. I stayed at Nicks house and met a bunch of people at his weekly cultural night on Wednesday. The next day Nick and I went to do a bit of bouldering at Turtle Lake in Durango. Got on some fun stuff and I'll post the vids and links to them when I get the chance.
The next day Nick had to go on a class trip for the weekend so since I no longer had a place to stay or people to chill with I headed to Denver. I didn't make it all the way there in one shot though, due to tiredness I ended up staying at Antero Reservoir.
Some bugs decided to mate on my car the morning I woke up. haha
As I was driving through Denver I tried to get a hold of my friend TJ who lives there. Unfortunately we didn't get a chance to meet up so I ended up going to a brewery he recommended in Golden, CO called Mountain Toad Brewing. Due to my lack of food that day the two pints of beer put me over my limit and I had to sleep in my car for a few hours. lol
After my nap I drove towards Boulder, CO to meet up with my friend Mike. Since it was so late I decided to sleep at this free camping I found way out in the middle of nowhere called Gross Reservoir. I even had trouble finding the place because I was using my gps on my phone to locate it and there was no service. So it was a bit hard to find out where I was going and had to pull over at one point to find out if I was going in the right direction. But it was beautiful when I woke up to see I was on the top of this hill looking down into endless forests.
It was a bit windy that morning so I took a little video showing the surrounding area plus capturing the wind noise.
When I got to Boulder the next morning I found out that Mike was sick. Since he was sick and couldn't come out to climb with me I ended up going up to boulder canyon to climb by myself.
I wandered around for at least an hour trying to figure out where I could climb and how I could make it across the river to boulder on the other side, which is where most of the bouldering was. lol
I was only able to really climb on one boulder, The Graham Boulder. Sent a quick few problems on it and checked out The Game(v15) that Daniel Woods did the FA of a couple years ago.